About Cate Macabe

A writer of speculative fiction.

No Easy Walk to Freedom

There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere.
~ Nelson Mandela

Happy 4th of July, USA! Let’s remember where our freedom comes from and celebrate.

Conquer Fear in 2017


Thought does not conquer fear. Plans…Ideas…Encouragement…Friends do not conquer fear. Action conquers fear. ~ Todd Brison

Hope is Fuel

Fear shows up unbidden9a

Fear shows up unbidden…and it’s rarely a useful tool for your best work. Hope, on the other hand, can be conjured. It arrives when we ask it to, it’s something we can give away to others again and again, and we can use it as fuel to build something bigger than ourselves. ~ Seth Godin

You Again: A Very Special Person

You A Very Special Person 5

Looking back you realize that a very special person passed briefly through your life and that person was you. It is not too late to become that person again. ~ Robert Brault

Your Steps, Your Story

Traveler, your footprints are the only road. ~ Antonio Machado

The First Step


The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are. ~ Unknown

A Sign of Friendship

I have always liked you as you were. ~ The Wizard of Oz

Halloween Lessons

Here’s a post I’ve updated from my 2012 archive. If you’re looking for last-minute snack ideas for Halloween, check out these Tasty Howl-o-ween Recipes.

pumpkin-swirl250According to a survey conducted by HalloweenSurvey.com in 2012, a lot of Americans love Halloween: 72% celebrate it, 50% of adults wear a costume for the holiday, and over 8 billion dollars is spent every year to prepare for it. That’s a whole lot of scary love. The reverse statistics could mean that 28% of the population either doesn’t care about Halloween or doesn’t like it. But whether we (1) love dressing up and giving ourselves over to the role of our favorite other self, (2) think the whole thing is silly, or (3) believe Halloween celebrations are rooted in evil, we can probably all agree on a few things:

1. Everyone wears a mask sometimes. How many people do we show our real selves to? Probably only a few we truly trust. And even if we are the upfront, this-is-who-I-am kind of people, we still have a tendency to hide our feelings. Anger and cheerfulness can both mask deeply felt pain. Remembering that everyone is wounded and scarred to some degree can make us more compassionate to those around us.

2. Each day is what we make of it. Whether you believe Halloween is loads of fun or just plain evil, the day is ours to take from it or give to it what we will. Just like every other day. Our days are good or bad because of the choices we make and how we decide to perceive life. No matter our circumstances, we are each responsible for our part in the making of every day we’re given.

3. Life is sometimes tricky and sometimes a treat, but more often it’s something in between. We have great days and we have awful days. But life is lived mostly in the ones that fall between those extremes. These are the normal “okay” days that often seem to just creep along, filled with unremarkable hours, unless we take the time to really look for the remarkable in the mundane. Finding contentment right where we are – fun-size chocolate bars, anyone? – is something worth striving for.

How do you measure up to the Halloween statistics?

Interest vs. Commitment


There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results. ~ Unknown

Push Through the Impossible

It always seems impossible until it’s done. ~ Nelson Mandela